Research and evaluation

We believe homelessness can be ended but we need the evidence to prove it
It can be difficult to get a clear picture of the true scale of homelessness in the UK.
Homelessness is a complex issue, and its definition can be broad – from rough-sleeping to living in temporary accommodation to sofa surfing. It also presents differently across the UK – whether it’s rural, inner city or coastal.
By taking a place-based approach, and working with six locations across the UK that all have different challenges, we will collate good quality evidence and data, which is essential if we want to truly understand homelessness in all its forms and how to finally end it.
Building evidence to prove that homelessness can be ended
Our Evaluation and Learning Partner – Ipsos UK, Renaisi and Groundswell – will support Homewards to better understand the breadth and complexities of homelessness in our six locations over the next five years, and importantly share what works across our locations and beyond so that our impact reaches as far as possible.

Using evidence we can inspire others to believe that homelessness can be ended
Homelessness has been around for centuries and as a result, it can be difficult to see an end to it. Success stories internationally have shown that when the public also believe that homelessness can be ended, it is more likely to happen.
Through Homewards, we hope to improve understanding and boost optimism that there are solutions out there to end homelessness. Our Evaluation and Learning Partner will carry out regular public perceptions surveys over the next five years to help us understand any shifts in perceptions over time when it comes to motivations to end homelessness, knowledge of what is being done and what action we, as a society, need to take.
Latest findings