Local leaders from six Homewards locations plan how to put homelessness prevention into action

Representatives from each of the six Homewards Locations have come together to delve into what a true focus on what preventing homelessness could look like in their locations, and how Homewards can make that happen.
Hosted by Homewards Activator, Arup, with contribution from Professor Peter Mackie of Cardiff University and member of the Homewards National Expert Panel and Matt Downie, CEO of Crisis, the ‘Putting Prevention into Action Through Homewards’ event brought together senior leaders, who will form part of the Strategic Steering Group in each location’s Coalition.
Welcomed by Lord William Hague of Richmond, Chairman of The Royal Foundation, attendees were inspired to think big and seize the opportunities that Homewards can bring to their locations.
The event challenged attendees to explore what we mean by prevention, how it works in practice and what prevention looks like in each of the Homewards Locations. Sessions throughout the day looked at the range of causes of homelessness and big drivers for change to help the locations identify how to best put prevention into action.
Outputs from the event will be shared with the Local Coalitions as they are formed and will inform Action Plans as they are established in their respective locations.
“Putting Prevention into Action Through Homewards has been a really impressive event, I haven’t seen a gathering of that sort in homelessness before”.
– Matt Downie MBE, CEO, Crisis.