Lambeth comes together to end homelessness
Representatives from a cross-section of organisations across the borough of Lambeth met today to begin conversation on how to end homelessness in the area.
Stakeholders from Lambeth Council, the NHS, social enterprises, the charity and criminal justice sectors and people with lived experience of homelessness were invited to gather as part of the Homewards programme, a transformative five year, locally-led initiative from Prince William and The Royal Foundation, which aims to demonstrate that it’s possible to end homelessness, making it rare, brief and unrepeated.
Last year over 5,500 people made homelessness applications to Lambeth council, and there are over 4,300 people currently living in temporary accommodation in the borough. Over 400 people are currently recorded as experiencing rough sleeping.
Behind all these numbers are individuals, families, young people and children enduring the trauma of homelessness and unstable housing. Homewards is aiming to focus on prevention, with the scope for impacting real, long-lasting change to stop those people from ever experiencing homelessness in the first place, as well as helping those who are already struggling.
The meeting concentrated on some key priorities for Lambeth, including housing supply, employment pathways, continuity of care and targeting early prevention, laying the groundwork for the creation of the local action plan on how best to end homelessness in the borough.
“Today was an exciting first step in a collaborative process to prevent and end homelessness in Lambeth. We have a lot to do, but bringing so many people together who are already doing such amazing work in the area, and putting our thinking caps on, has hopefully given us all tons of motivation! It’s been a really inspiring day, and I’m sure we can make a real difference together.”
– Megan Doherty, Homewards Local Delivery Lead